Monday 5 September 2016

Elgin marbles to become Parthenon marbles again

Details sketched as part of a study to evolve into a project for the Parthenon marbles 
They have been abducted by Elgin , sunk into the ocean , reclaimed , survived into the British Meuseum and u can't help feeling thankful to the English people as a whole for their hospitality , even for the unwarranted intervention to "save " the marbles from the Ottoman barbarism by Elgin , we can and must. Forgive 
Is just human instinct 
Now thow is the time. For the Full Gesture to come into a circle and Close Gracefully . 
The new Meuseum that awaits them inAthens is designed with their original position in mind Acropolis is in a constant state of invisible repairs with the long plan to be restored to the exact . 
This is a long process , given that her parts are spread around the world in private and state collections 
The so called Elgin marbles is a humangous collection of the most significant cornerstones , statues , pillars , glyphs ecc